Nature’s Canopy: The Best Trees for Shade You Need in Your Garden

May 31, 2024

Few things in life are more enjoyable than the serenity nature provides. There’s no shortage of mental health benefits that come with being outside, as well. Now, imagine if your favorite outdoor space was in your backyard.

To make this part of your home as enjoyable as possible, it’s essential to have the right trees. Choosing the right ones is easier than it seems, and we’ve created a brief guide to help you narrow down your decision. Let’s explore the key information you need to know about the best trees for shade in Spencer, Iowa.

Oak Trees

Oak trees are a classic choice for shade. Known for their strength and longevity, they can live for centuries. Their dense foliage provides excellent coverage, making them ideal for large-yard landscaping ideas.

Varieties like the White Oak and Red Oak are particularly popular. Not only are these trees are not only beautiful, but they also provide a habitat for various wildlife.

Maple Trees

Maple trees are famous for their vibrant fall foliage. They grow relatively fast and provide ample shade. An excellent choice is the Red Maple, known for its stunning red leaves in autumn.

Sycamore Trees

Sycamores are notably large, making them a great choice if you need vast coverage. Their dense leaves provide significant shade, and they are relatively low-maintenance. Choose these if you need a reliable option that requires little attention.

Elm Trees

These trees provide dense shade and are resistant to various diseases. This attribute contributes greatly to their longevity. Elms can also provide a classic, all-American look to your yard.

Fast-Growing Shade Trees

Some shade trees grow faster than others. Depending on your needs, you might need one that increases in height as quickly as possible. Let’s take a closer look at the ones to consider.

Tulip Poplar

The Tulip Poplar is one of the fastest-growing shade trees. It can grow several feet per year and reach impressive heights over time.

Its tulip-shaped flowers add to its appeal, making it a beautiful addition to any garden. The tree’s straight trunk and symmetrical shape also help it serve as a focal point in your yard.

Silver Maple

The Silver Maple is another fast-growing option that can adapt to various soil types and conditions.

Its silver-backed leaves add a unique touch to its appearance, as well. This tree can easily tolerate urban conditions like pollution and compacted soil.

Willow Trees

Willow trees, such as the Weeping Willow, are fast growers that add a touch of elegance to their environment. Their drooping branches create a serene atmosphere, perfect for relaxation. Willows also thrive in wet conditions, making them suitable for areas with poor drainage.

Large Yard Landscaping Ideas

After you’ve chosen your trees, there are plenty of opportunities to take your yard’s appearance to the next level. This will make this area of your home far more enjoyable. Let’s take a closer look at them below.

Create a Tree Canopy

Planting a mix of fast-growing shade trees and slower-growing varieties can create a diverse and beautiful tree canopy. This provides extra shade and an improved visual aesthetic. A well-planned canopy can also create microclimates that support a variety of plants and wildlife.

Add Pathways

Incorporate pathways that wind through your shade trees. This not only adds charm but also allows you to enjoy your garden from different perspectives.

Use materials like gravel, mulch, or stepping stones to enhance the natural feel. Pathways can also guide visitors through different garden areas while highlighting key features.

Include Seating Areas

Place benches or hammocks under your shade trees to create inviting spots for relaxation. Consider adding a small table for outdoor dining, as well.

Comfortable seating areas can transform your garden into an outdoor living space. They’re also a great way to unwind after a long day.

Finding the Right Landscaping Professional

Finding the right landscaping professional involves a few critical steps. Not all are created equal, and you’ll need to do your due diligence before moving forward. Listed below are some of the most notable attributes to keep in mind.

Define Your Goals

Before searching for a landscaper, outline your goals. Do you want a complete backyard transformation, or do you need simple maintenance?

Are you looking for a particular style, such as a modern minimalist design? Clear goals make it easier to find a professional who can meet your needs.

Research and Shortlist

Start your search by researching local landscapers. Use online resources and ask for recommendations.

You can then create a shortlist of potential candidates. Visit their websites to review their portfolios and read client testimonials.

Look for landscapers who specialize in the type of work you need, as well. A company known for designing elegant flower gardens might not be the best fit for a modern, low-maintenance yard.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for fake reviews during your search so you can maintain an accurate perspective.

Interview and Compare

Once you have a shortlist, set up consultations with each landscaper. Discuss your goals and ask detailed questions about their experience, process, and pricing.

Evaluate their communication skills and willingness to collaborate. A good landscaper should listen to your ideas and offer constructive feedback.

Check Their References and Credentials

Check the landscaper’s references and verify their credentials before making your decision. Confirm that the landscaper is licensed and insured, as well. You should never work with an uninsured professional, as this could leave you financially liable for accidents that occur during the project.

Find the Best Trees for Shade

By using the best trees for shade, you can improve your backyard’s atmosphere and make it more enjoyable than ever. The tips in this guide will help you get started on the right track. Just be sure to find the right landscape company.

Del’s Garden combines decades of horticultural expertise with a passion for sustainable gardening. Our dedicated team provides personalized service and innovative solutions to help you bring your vision to life in Spencer, Iowa.

We also offer top-quality plants that will transform your outdoor space in Okoboji, Arnolds Park, and Spirit Lake. You’ll learn more about how we can help when you get in touch with us today.